Customer Challenge
Working primarily as an IT support company, Galactech needed a system that had advanced call control and time of day routing. The main customer challenge was the ability to have a support number that could route to multiple mobile phones out of hours.
Due to the nature of Galactech's business a key requirement was making sure the system was extremely reliable and failover options are available.

Orbtalk Solution
We provide Galactech with a six user Cloud Phone System. Galactech originally went live back in April 2013 with three users. Since then the system has grown to six users and ten geographic numbers, with two users making use of the Orbtalk integrated softphone, presence and Outlook integration product.
Orbtalk provide Galactech with a mixture of both Snom and Yealink handsets that are auto-configured by the Orbtalk provisioning servers. Through using the Orbtalk presence panel the customer is also able to monitor two of his remote workers and has the ability to drag and drop transfer and conference on screen.
The Orbtalk Cloud Phone System has enabled Galactech to better manage their telephone support and remote working. This was achieved via the utilisation of many features within the Orbtalk Cloud Phone System including IVR, Queues, Operation Times and Call Forwarding.
Galactech have been so pleased with the results and reliability of the Orbtalk Cloud Phone System that they have also since signed up to our referral program and have some of their customers using our service. Due to the simple usability of the Cloud Phone System's user interface, Galactech have also opted to give first line support for this product to their customers with the support from our second line team.