Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a user has the right to request their personal data or to request that it be corrected, ported, restricted or deleted when certain conditions are met.
Please see a list of rights below and the qualifying criteria for each request:
- Access – Request a copy of your personal data to confirm the information that we hold regarding you and to verify that the reasons for processing it are lawful.
- Rectification – Correct your data if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. You can either do this via the Orbtalk Portal (by clicking Account Settings > Update Account Details) or by completing the form below.
- Erasure – Delete your date is there is no lawful reason for processing.
- Restrict processing – Your data will continue to be retained but will not be processed in the event that it is inaccurate or if you believe the processing to be unlawful.
- Portability – Request a copy of your data to provide to another party or to be moved between systems.
- Objection – Object if no legitimate reason exists for data processing.
You can make a Subject Access Request in writing using one of the following three methods:
- Use the form below.
- E-mail customer.services@orbtalk.com
- Write to Customer Services, Orbtalk Ltd, 8th Floor, Telecom House, 125-135 Preston Rd, Brighton, BN1 6AF
Please be aware that you will need to provide an ID copy (e.g. passport or driving licence) when making the request. We will also need to confirm your identify by calling you, so please ensure to provide a contact number.
When making a Subject Access Request, please confirm the type of data you are referring to and the right that you are exercising under the GDPR.
Once we have received your request and verified your identity, we will provide the requested information (if applicable under the qualifying criteria) and the grounds for processing data within one month in a clear format, free of charge.
Please note that we can charge an administrative fee or decline to process Subject Access Requests in the event that they have been responded to previously, are unreasonable or spurious.